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Lash Sensitivities

Lash Extension Supplies

As a Lash Artist it is our responsibility to make sure our clients have a safe and enjoyable experience with their lash extensions.

Most sensitivities are caused by a number of things, lash glue is the number one factor in sensitivities.

Most people can wear lashes with no issues.

When reactions do occur, the client will have itching, swelling and pain from swollen lids. The reaction can be as simple as slight itching to much more. With a full-blown reaction, the lashes must be removed as soon as possible, and it is always advisable for the client to seek medical attention. Remember never prescribe any medications.

Most reactions are from the Cyanoacrylate, a fast-drying glue-like chemical bonding agent.

If your client has a mild reaction, you can try a clear glue to rule out a carbon black sensitivity. Sometimes it is the color additive they react to. Clear glue or Sensitive glue may resolve some issues. Try Stacy Lash Crystal Clear or Stacy Lash Sensitive glue.

lash sensitive products

There are also some good barrier creams and solutions that can be applied to the eye lid pre lash service that have been useful in reducing a client’s exposure to the glue and fumes from the glue. This is not a guarantee they will not develop a reaction or sensitivity, but will over time reduce the chance of a reaction.

Other sensitivities that can occur are reactions to the gel pads and tape. A client will develop a welt under the eye from gel pads and sometimes tape. Try a sensitive tape if this happens.

Inflamed Follicles are another common irritant. Getting the glue too close to the lash line and improper lash placement can rub on the lash follicle and cause discomfort. This can mimic a glue sensitivity. The only solution is to remove the lash and let the follicle heal. Do not replace the lash until the irritation has dissipated.

Seasonal Allergies are another concern. Itchy, watery eyes are difficult to work with. During allergy season pollen and other allergens can be troublesome.  I usually recommend the client take a break during their most reactive times. Spring and Fall are when this seems to occur the most. If the client continues to keep their lashes, washing the lashes daily is a must.

lash shampoo

I recommend  Stacy Lash Shampoo. Keeping the lashes clean and free of allergens, also keeps them fluffy. Washing the lashes daily will work wonders for your retention as well. These lash cleansers are designed to be used on a daily basis with ingredients safe for lash extensions.

Remember to wait 5 minutes after you finish the fill or full set, to wash the lashes.

In conclusion, using the correct products with care, addressing sensitives and keeping the lashes clean will result in a great experience for yourself and your client.



Master trainer and education coordinator,

Lash Training Academy 

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