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How to remove a single eyelash extension the easy way

Eyelash extension

Sometimes, you might want to remove one or two eyelash extensions, for example, when you check your work and find that some of your eyelashes have been applied too close or too far from the lash line, stuck together, peel off, or have been oriented in the wrong direction.
     This also applies to some fill-ins and removing overgrown extensions.
     You can try two methods for single eyelash extension removal: a mechanical one and using a glue remover.

     Mechanical removal/Banana peel method (using tweezers)
     This method has obvious advantages: it’s a lot faster, and odds are very slim that you will affect the neighboring extensions with a remover because if you do, you will have to remove them as well. However, it’s not always possible to remove an eyelash extension, using this method. If it holds very well, you will more likely rip off or deform the natural eyelash rather than remove the extension.
     How to proceed
     Use a pair of tweezers to pick the extension and another pair to pick the natural eyelash. Then try to carefully separate them. You certainly don’t want to hurt your customers, so you have to not just pull both parts of eyelashes in different directions but also slightly to yourself (in the eyelid direction), in order not to pull them on.
     The removal procedure is to be painless. Consequently, if you cannot remove the extension mechanically, it would be best to resort to the other solution.

How to proceed


Glue dissolving removal (with the help of Gel Remover).
    This removing method takes more time, however, it is totally painless, no matter how good the hold is. Use a gel remover for these purposes. Stacy Lash Gel Remover  has an active formula – it dissolves adhesives in 60 seconds, offering quicker and more efficient lashes removal, while making work time-effective and easier. It removes even the most steadfast types of eyelash extensions glues.
     You will have a hard time applying cream remover on a single eyelash extension because the consistency is thicker and the glue dissolves longer. Using a liquid remover is not quite safe, as it can get onto the mucous membrane of the eyes.
     How to proceed
     Apply some gel on the eyelash base. It may be convenient for you to do it with the tip of your tweezers or the smallest microbrush you have. It is important not to touch the adjacent eyelashes, so try to push them aside as wide as possi(with the help of Gel Remover).ble. Let the gel sit on the eyelash for 30 to 60 seconds (you can work in another zone during this time) and then just pull out the eyelash extension with your tweezers.

    Apply some gel on the eyelash base. It may be convenient for you to do it with the tip of your tweezers or the smallest microbrush you have. It is important not to touch the adjacent eyelashes, so try to push them aside as wide as possi(with the help of Gel Remover).ble. Let the gel sit on the eyelash for 30 to 60 seconds (you can work in another zone during this time) and then just pull out the eyelash extension with your tweezers.
    While using the Stacy Lash Gel Remover  it’s easy to control formula prevents spreading of the product and contact with the eyes of your clients. It takes a small amount of lash glue remover to remove eyelash extensions, saving the product, which will last longer.
    Next, you have to get rid of the remnants of the glue and remover: pick an eyelash extension with one pair of tweezers at its base, take another pair of tweezers to grip the eyelash with its tips, and drag the tweezers along the extension to its tip, removing everything remaining on it until the extension is completely clean. Now, you can degrease this eyelash extension and use it again.

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