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Why your fans close up

Fans close up


At times, you may create a perfect fan and can’t help admiring it. Then you put it on a natural eyelash, and the fan closes up meanly! What is more, sometimes everything is perfect, and sometimes, it is just impossible to work! What are the reasons? After all, even experienced lash artists periodically face this issue.

In this article, we’ve collected all the reasons of why fans close up, and most importantly, we’ll advise you how to avoid this issue while working with your clients, as it adversely affects the result!

  1. Your glue dries slowly. The easiest way to avoid fan closing up is to boost the glue. You have 3 options: replace your glue with a faster one, use a glue booster, or turn on your humidifier/heater. (Just remember, you have to do all this if your fans close up, not always! Otherwise, your extensions will fall off soon enough!)
  2. You release your fan too soon. When you placed a fan, take it at an angle of 45 degrees and release your tweezers easily, in 2 steps: first slightly, and then, if you see the fan performs well, release it completely. A life hack: once your stems split, you can also put it together using silicone glue palette. In this case, dip the fan into the glue and shift it towards the rim, creating a smooth fan base. At the same time, it’s important to shift the fan toward the rim not flat-wise, but perpendicularly. Otherwise, the base will fail to interweave.
  3. Initially, your fan width is insufficient. When the glue dries, it starts shrinking, bringing your extensions in the fan closer to one another. If you have initially made your fans not wide enough, they will become even narrower. That’s why we advise you to make your fans a bit wider than you’ve planned.
  4. You use the dip-and-place technique for smooth eyelashes. Stop doing it. If your customer’s natural eyelashes are not porous even a bit and don’t absorb glue, you must work using a sliding technique! During sliding, the glue crystallizes, and the fan remains nice after you release your tweezers.
  5. A long fan base. If your fan base is half of the fan length or even more, the fan will tend to close up. When forming a fan, keep its correct shape. Besides, the more glue you have in the middle part of the fan, the more likely it’ll visually turn into one thick eyelash extension. Dip the fan into the glue for no more than 1/3 of its length.
  6. You dip the fan too deep in the glue (or use too much glue). Even if you came up with the correct fan base, used quick glue and a small amount of it, the glue would “pull” your fan together if you dip it too deep in it. Dip your fan into the glue not more than the length of the base (observing paragraph 5, of course).


We hope this info will be useful for you and help you avoid the most common mistakes when creating eyelash extension fans.

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