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Lash Artist’s Instagram Account Is A Key To Success

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Social media platforms, like Instagram accounts, are much more than just outlets for our gorgeous vacation photos. For lash artists and lash technicians, Instagram could be the key to success! In today’s article, let’s explore the importance of having a lash-based Instagram account, how to utilize social media platforms to target audiences and how to gain new clientele with the help of interactive posts!


Find Your Target Audience And Speak To Their Hearts


Let’s begin by seeing how we, as lash artists, can find our target audience. As there are numerous lash accounts on social media, the key to finding your audience is being your genuine self. 

Showcasing your authenticity and lash artistry is the best way to speak to the hearts of your viewers and followers. Potential clients like to feel connected to their lash technicians, so whether you are talking about eyelash extension glues or other eyelash extension supplies, make sure you add your personality and charm!


Quality Content And What Does It Mean


Now, let’s talk about what kind of content you should be posting on your Instagram. As lash artists, our main goal should be to share quality content. From high-quality and close-up lash pictures, behind-the-scenes videos and helpful tips and tricks, Instagram followers seek content they can be entertained by. 

For example, if you are talking about long-lasting eyelash extensions, you could speak about your favorite semi-permanent adhesives and lash extension glues and their benefits. 


Importance of Being Responsive


OK, so now that we have found our target audience and have shared quality content, what’s next? The next main ingredient for gaining success is being responsive and active on your Instagram account. 

Responding to viewer comments, answering private client messages and acknowledging your audience can all work in your favor! Being responsive will demonstrate your passion for your work, as well as your friendly and approachable character!


Story Polls, Questions, Hashtags and Quizzes


Lastly, let's talk about specific things we can do on Instagram to gain success. Followers love to participate in interactive posts, so sharing polls, questions and quizzes on your story is the way to go!

On your story polls, you can ask your audience what type of content they would like to see more. You can share fun quizzes about professional eyelash extension glues and have your eager followers respond! Collaborate with other lash technicians to share a variety of media and posts! 

As we see, Instagram can be the best tool for connecting with new clients and gaining exposure! Use our helpful tips to upgrade your social media platforms and become a superstar lash artist!

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