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Lash fast - live like a pro!


How long does it take to do lashes? Well, it depends on personal features of a lash tech. Surely, it takes a little more time for a beginner to perform a procedure, but it’s possible to work faster. Ever wondered about the importance of time management? It’s indeed an essential skill to do many tasks in a little time. It surely benefits your career to have more clients a day and be able to reach every goal you set yourself for a day. 

Follow these simple tips to feel confident and how to lash faster.


Time Management


Never lose faith in yourself even if something doesn’t go as smoothly as you initially planned. Remember: if you love what you’re doing, you just can’t be bad at it. Sometimes, it takes some more effort to do things right, but in order to concentrate on essential tasks, you can prevent everything odd from stealing your attention. First things first, keep your workplace organized. You surely don’t want to lose time searching for something as you can’t remember where you left it a couple of minutes ago. 

Make sure you know the place for each tool, and each lash tool, in turn, is clean and ready to assist you with a new client entering the salon. 

In order to ace the time management skills, try to have a conversation with a client before an appointment, to learn what they desire, and think about lash mapping in advance. Also, in order to save some time and speed up the lash extension process, ask your customers to come with clean lashes.


Practice makes it perfect


Surely, as a lash artist, you aim for a new experience and inner growth all the time. It’s a common desire to nail your job each day every day. Some say it takes 10,000 hours to reach perfection in something. But don’t be scared of such big numbers. With constant dedication and persistence, it won’t take long till you notice that you work faster and learn lots of new skills. You need lots of lash extensions practice, without a doubt. Better yet, nothing can compare to practicing on a real client. Watch educational videos, save content and try to perform new techniques on someone. With every new attendant, you’ll notice that you gain more and more confidence and find that you effortlessly perform things that seemed hard for you some time ago. You may consider using fast-drying adhesive to practice your lashing speed and gain lashing skills. 


Invest in quality tools


Trusted eyelash tools of premium quality are essential to your professional growth. Firstly, you need to find a pair of tweezers that you’re comfortable working with. Secondly, suitable adhesive, eye pads for lash extensions, pre-treatment and aftercare products are key points for faster performance. Always have a second bottle of glue just in case you’ll need to switch quickly. It’s also recommended to have more than just one pair of tweezers for different eyelash extension application techniques, such as classic/volume or isolation. 

You will increase your work speed with lashing tools that fit you like a hand in glove, as well as you’ll feel more relaxed knowing that they won’t let you down at the most important moment. 

Lash tech beginner kit - what should be in there? At least two adhesives, two pairs of tweezers, lash wash, primer, individual lash extensions, cream remover, jade stone, micro brushes & lash wands, bonder

Let us know if our small hints helped you out in your lashing practice. Just as always, we wish you luck in your career and stand by your side by creating trusted and affordable products for your salon. 

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